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Friday - November 01, 2013 - Amateur Radio at the Beach - Amelia Island - KH2D.net
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KH2D.Net - Amateur Radio At The Beach
Amelia Island, Florida
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From our World Famous Opinions Page, the Article Of The Minute is:
KH2D's Tips For CW Contesting - An automatic device, preferably with memory is a must for CW contesting. Before the contest starts, it is imperative to load the memories and properly adjust the speed of the device. (more)
From our Links Database, which contains only 13 links (good ham web sites are extremely hard to find):
Mariana Islands DX Association - An amateur radio DX club that started in the Northern Mariana Island. We now have members scattered all over the world. The club web site has a lot of interesting pictures of Guam and Saipan, a QSL gallery of old Guam QSL's, and info about the hams who are still there and used to be there.
There are more than 74,665 pages on this web site. Please don't view them all in one sitting. You'll get a headache.


Search KH2D's Online Logs
Log Guam Florida
Browse KH2D's Florida Log
Logs from 1985 to 2013 are online. Print your own eQSL!
Date GMT Call Freq Mode RST Sent RST Rcvd
10-Dec-1988 04:08 JA9JFO 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:08 JM1WZP 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:09 JH0OTM 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:09 UZ0QWA 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:10 JA8IMX 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:11 JA2ODV 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:11 JH9TCB 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:15 JA8RWU 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:15 UL7JZ 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:18 LR1V 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:21 HL1XP 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:22 AX2BQQ 28.02500 CW 599 599
10-Dec-1988 04:29 JA6QZ 28.50000 SSB 59 59
Read about Contesting Island Style or visit KH2D's Contest Awards Gallery.
The DX Cluster
Have you ever worked NOTHING, VIDEO, LOONEY, BAKE, or JAFISHBOAT? Keep watching spots from these fat fingered air headed monkeys and maybe some day you will...
Browse KH2D's Guam Log
From the DX Cluster Monkeys - DX you'll never work:
DX de SQ2EEQ 144000.0 MARCT pse ly test 1513Z
DX de W5LL 21221.6 UTOAZA 1533Z
DX de K1MY 21259.9 Y0TA QSX 21265.02 iota NA047 1610Z
DX de S56JBO 144092.0 FROM jn86dt for dl ok sp 2019Z
DX de ON4LDU 14260.0 PRIEST ??? 2033Z
DX de G4WXT 28495.0 FAR TOO LATE FER EU AGN 10M. 2052Z
DX de W1NRG 28020.5 NFO AZ 2128Z
DX de W1NRG 29099.1 KGT EB 2134Z
DX de W1NRG 21049.0 NONI IA 2235Z
DX de PA0CIS 144000.0 TROUBLE PA QRT 0005Z
DX de VR2XMT 50115.0 CQSA cq sa 0006Z
DX de VK3SIX 50000.0 FLASH Noise burst sun 59+++ 0140Z
DX de VK3SIX 50000.0 CHINESE 45.690 BCAST HARMONIC 5x9 AM 0321Z
DX Cluster 101 DX Cluster 101

What will you find on this web site? That varies frequently and depends on what kind of mood I'm in. You'll find some opinions I have about different things related to amateur radio (most of which have been proven to offend a lot of people over the years). You'll find a little bit of technical information, which may or may not help you with what you are trying to accomplish with ham radio. You'll find a few pictures, including one from the webcam in my "shack" which is like most web cams on the Internet - sometimes it's on, but most times it's not.

There are usually a few ham radio items listed on my for sale page, as I sort out my ham shack after moving to Florida. They're for sale because I'm slowly phasing out the ham radio part of my life and I don't need them any more. You'll find some software that I have written, some of which is free and some of which is for sale. Why is some free and some for sale? Because I've long since figured out that when things are free, everybody wants some, whether they need it or not, and I don't have time to support everybody any more. You'll find the latest WWV numbers and the current Amelia Island weather conditions at the top of each page (when WWVBot and WXBot, two software robots, are working).

For you post card collectors: NO, I'm not in Guam anymore. I'm in Florida. I feel much better now that I got that off my chest. Irregardless of what it says on the DX cluster, I'm not trying to fool anybody in Europe into thinking I am still in Guam. So if the only reason you're here is to figure out how to get a Guam QSL, no problem. If you worked me when I was in Guam, use the log search above to find the QSO, and then make yourself a QSL. Click HERE for detailed QSL info.

Why do I still have KH2D for a call sign even though I'm not in Guam? Because the FCC says I can still have it, and it's on my license plates (front one says KH2D, a Guam plate, and back one says KH2D, a Florida plate). It's not a vanity call, it's the one the computer spit out for me years ago, and I figure if a few thousand JA's who live in Tokyo can have KH2 and KH0 and KH7 calls, then I'm entitled to keep mine too.

If you did contact me on the radio while I was in Guam, from 1985 until early 2001, then you can still get a post card. You can either send your request to me at my current address, or you can send it to my excellent QSL manager, Ted, K8NA. If you are in a hurry for a post card, I'd suggest you send your request to K8NA because he answers them much faster than I do. Post cards are not one of my primary interests in life. Use the Log Search above for instant eQSL's. Click HERE for detailed QSL info.

If you see something here you don't like
, and I'm sure if you're like most hams, you will, you can just click the "Complaints" link on most pages to email your emotions to the complaint department here at KH2D.net. Thanks for visiting and have fun.

My other hobby is fishing. Matter of fact, since I moved to Florida and live in a subdivision with Ken & Barbie, I do a lot more fishing than I do ham radio. Thankfully, fishing doesn't depend on sun spots. My Amelia Island fishing web site will give you the details.

Legal & Privacy Information: This web site is here because I made it. If you want to use it, that's fine. If it doesn't work right and you tell me about it, I'll try to fix it. If I can't fix it, oh well. Nobody is perfect. This web site collects no personal information about the users other than normal web server logs. Some pages may attempt to give you a cookie. If you are afraid of cookies, don't take them. Won't hurt, the page just won't work right. If you send a KH2D eQSL to a friend, you will be asked for your email address. We don't save email addresses, but if you're worried about it, don't send eQSL's.

This web site was designed to look OK on my computer. I use Microsoft's Internet Exploder. I've tried really hard to make things look right with NetScrape too, but NetScrape is such a piece of crap that's virtually impossible to do. Hopefully, if you're using Internet Exploder or NetScrape, it will look OK on your computer too. If it doesn't, then I'd suggest you get a computer like the one I have. If you are using AOL, I'd suggest you get real. If you're using WebTV, I'd suggest you seek psychiatric help immediately.

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Friday - November 01, 2013 - Amateur Radio at the Beach - Amelia Island - KH2D.net
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Amateur Radio At The Beach - Copyright © 1999-2013 Jim Kehler, KH2D